Try before you buy

Based on the information you send us, we will build you a site to try out. It will be available to you via a password - the general public will not see it. You can take your time to use it, play with it and review it. Make some notes about what you do and don’t like; what works for you and what doesn’t.

After trying it out, if you don’t wish to proceed with the development of your website, for whatever reason, then our work on the site will cease and it will be removed from the internet - no questions asked, no payment owning - our process is risk free.

Refining your site

Should you wish to continue after trying the initial draft of your site, we can proceed with refining the site based on your feedback. Whatever you would like to change, add or remove (wording, images, colour scheme etc) we will do. We will also make any further suggestions that we think will improve your site.

A deposit for the continued work on your site is now payable. See our FAQs page for prices.

Give it another whirl

After we have made the changes you have requested, the site will again be made available for you to check that everything has been done as required. This is also your chance to identify any final changes you want made. Once this is done, your website will be ready to go live on the world wide web.